Truccazzano (MI) Italia, 15/06/2021
We are pleased to inform you that as of today are available the new 2021/22 catalogue and price list.
These new documents are the result of a deep change: a clear division between LED products and traditional products, still present in the range as they are requested on a regular basis.
The layout has been completely revised, certain to have created a complete, accurate and detailed catalogue, studied to meet the needs of professionals, able to evaluate and enhance the characteristics of our products.
All the fluorescent products have been phased-out, Ego in discharge version, the entire family of indoor projectors, Cosmo, Continental CTS and Charm.
Moreover Gemini Lite and Pro, Proxima, Sly S have joined our offer together with Indilight, Wall-e, Drop LED Evo, Vela LED Evo and a whole new family dedicated to TUNABLE WHITE. Global, Prima LED Eco, Brina LED Eco and Forte Inox Led Eco have been updated.
We remind you that the overstock price list is always available with below cost products and components, available while stocks last.
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