Complaint date
Have a problem? We’re here to help!
Have a problem? We’re here to help!
Follow these simple steps to help us handle your complaint. We will do our best to solve the problem as quickly as possible and minimize the inconvenience, but to do so we need your help, and we ask you to follow the instructions:
I confirm that I have installed the product respecting all the instructions given in the instruction sheet.
I confirm that I have already analyzed the environmental conditions and excluded potential problems in the electrical system.
I confirm that the claimed products are currently covered by warranty (3 years for standard products, 5 years for ENEC certified products).
A. Fill in the form on our website and wait for confirmation
B. If an analysis on defective products is required, you will receive a communication containing a unique RMA code (Return Material Authorization) to be mentioned on all documents.
You can send the fittings with a transporter at your expense, once it has been picked up, we ask you to anticipate the shipment number/delivery note by email.
The material shipped must have a print of the RMA applied to the package/pallet, in order to guarantee the shipment authorization and it must be packed in its original carton box or in a suitable packaging in order to prevent any possible breakage, which could compromise both warranty and analysis.
The material must never be accompanied by an invoice or valorized. C Luce, once the return is received, will submit an official report with the results of the analyzes within 2 working weeks, unless a different communication is given.
The analyzed products, if deemed unrepairable, will be disposed within 30 days or returned (on your specific request) with transport at your expense.
Should the products be repairable, C Luce upon your specific request, is available to repair at a cost equal to 50% of the net value shown on the sales invoice. The warranty on the repaired products will be of 2 years.
After 30 days from the issuance of the official report and without your decision about any repair or return without repair, the parts will be automatically disposed.
Should you need, to minimize inconvenience to the customer, to replace the faulty devices without waiting for the results of the analyzes, you can request them during the complaint by ticking the appropriate box.
The material will be regularly invoiced, and within 30 days, upon the outcome of the product analysis, regular payment or credit note will be issued.
For products that are found to be working properly, you will be charged a cost of Euro 50.00 to cover management costs.
The products will be shipped back with the first useful transport or, if expressly requested, with transport at your expense.
If, on the other hand, manufacturing defects are found, you will be contacted by C Luce representative for sending new material as a free replacement or an economic solution of your choice.