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ISO 9001 identifies a series of rules and guidelines developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), which propose a processes Quality Management System directed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in a business organization.
C Luce has achieved the Quality Management System approval in accordance with the current ISO 9001: 2015 guidelines with certification document no. 800338-1.
The certifying body for the Quality Management System in C Luce is NEMKO Italy.

ISO 9001 Certification 


Quality Policy


Chiusura estiva | Summer closure

IT: Al fine di pianificare al meglio le Vostre necessità, Vi informiamo che C Luce rimarrà chiusa per le ferie estive dal 2 al  23 Agosto compresi.                                         La normale attività lavorativa riprenderà il giorno lunedì 26 Agosto.

EN: In order to better plan your needs, we inform you that C Luce will be closed for summer holidays from August 2nd to August 23rd inclusive.                                  Normal business activities will resume on Monday, August 26th.