C Luce was born from an experience of more than twenty years on the market with continuous and recognized successes. A young and dynamic company with great ambitions, which based its commitment on service, professionality and quality.
Every single product is designed, certified and produced in taking care of all the details.
All the lighting products on our catalogue are made to satisfy the requirements of professionals in the field like installers, wholesalers and designers, who find in C Luce a trusted partner…
C Luce sets the ambitious target to become, through a loyalty path, a reliable products and services supplier for any professional involved in the lighting business. A partner to work with in complete mutual trust and confidence, proposing ourselves on the market, certain of own capacities.
Made in Italy
To ensure the established quality standards and verifiable in every production step in compliance with ISO 9001 acquired certification, C Luce directly manages the procurement of all raw materials from historical suppliers, which are also certified. Subsequently all the internal or external processes, directly supervised by our quality system, are made from our partners who provide a daily excellent service, delivering all the finished and semifinished parts required to complete the final product.
Know how
Embracing this philosophy by investing in financial and human resources means to closely follow the whole manufacturing and production processes and phases, accompanied by a scrupulous control of the components, which transform the raw material into products that distinguish C Luce on the market for its design and technology.
The finished product is realized through the use of high tech machines, including 100/160 tons power presses, and, as the last entry, a high precision rotating head stamp machine.
Global presence
C Luce exports 70% of its production in more than 80 countries worldwide
C Luce is pleased to announce the acquisition of ISO 14001 certification, a testament to the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible business practices.
ISO 14001 is an internationally recognised standard that outlines the criteria for an effective Environmental Management System.
Achieving this certification underlines C Luce’s commitment to minimising its environmental impact, complying with applicable legal and regulatory requirements and continuously improving its environmental performance.
Aware that the environment is a universal heritage that can be safeguarded and improved only with the participation of all the social and productive, C Luce is committed to:
respect laws and regulations in accordance of all the environmental issues;
improve its performances in relation to production efficiency, energy consumption and pollution aiming at a continuous and incessant improvement;
energy consumption and pollution with a view to continuous and unceasing improvement;
promote within its own staff activities in order to raise the awareness and encourage a correct environmental culture through trainings and accountability;
constantly monitor the use of any natural energy and resource in order to reduce the consumption, cut the waste and encouraging the recycling wherever possible;
properly manage any industrial waste, splitting the various type of materials, thus favoring, the recycling and recovery of raw materials;
cooperate with public and private bodies to promote constructive relations on environmental issues.
Quality System
Our business is developed inside an area of over 6,200 m2, of which 3,100 covered and used for production and storage of our products. Each product is developed considering constant technological improvement and quality of materials.
Every choice is certified by the Quality Management System ISO 9001 and our continuing commitment provides a service as quickly and efficiently as possible.
ISO 9001
ISO 9001 identifies a series of rules and guidelines developed by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), which propose a processes Quality Management System directed to improve the effectiveness and efficiency in a business organization. C Luce has achieved the Quality Management System approval in accordance with the current ISO 9001: 2015 guidelines with certification document no. 800338-1. The certifying body for the Quality Management System in C Luce is NEMKO Italy.
ISO 14001
The standard defines an “Environmental Management System” as part of the company management system aimed at managing environmental aspects, satisfying legislative compliance obligations and addressing and evaluating risks and opportunities. The environmental management system must be developed in reference to the requirements specified in the UNI EN ISO 14001 standard. The degree of application depends on factors such as: the environmental policy of the organization, the nature of its activities, products and services, location and conditions in which the organization operates.
C Luce has achieved the approval in accordance with the current standard ISO 14001:2015 guidelines with certification document n° 901763.
The certifying body for the Quality Management System in C Luce is NEMKO Italy.
To ensure the established quality standards and verifiable in every production step in compliance with ISO 9001 acquired certification, C Luce directly manages the procurement of all raw materials from historical suppliers, which are also certified.
Subsequently all the internal or external processes, directly supervised by our quality system, are made from our partners who provide a daily excellent service, delivering all the finished and semifinished parts required to complete the final product.
ENEC is the European mark of conformity to the EN standards for the lighting fittings and its components established within the CENELEC organization by certifying bodies which have acceded to an agreement called “Lum Agreement” for a common and mutual recognition of a single mark.
The ENEC mark shall be issued by any signatories of the agreement and automatically recognized by all the others; it shall be issued only on the basis of harmonized EN European standards. On the side of the ENEC mark there is a number that identifies the issuing body.
The ENEC mark is based on the application of certain principles:
- The manufacturer of lighting equipments must be certified by a Certified Quality System UNI EN ISO 9001.
- The ENEC mark is independently granted by a neutral body.
- The certified product is subject to surveillance in its production phase by the body which issued the conformity certificate.
- Therefore the ENEC mark is a high value European mark based on strict granting criteria.
Our suppliers are key partners in order to reach the expected quality levels of our products.

Industry 4.0
The Industry 4.0 concept refers to an industrial automation tendency that integrates some new productive technologies to improve the working conditions and increase the productivity and production quality of installations.
It is composed of the combination between the automation and the interconnection of industrial processes and the machines used to implement them, with the purpose of optimize the production and the working conditions.
The C Luce’s tendency is to focus on a growing specialized qualification, in order to integrate it into the internal production processes, external relations and products of goods and useful services through the systematic application of IoT technology.